These collective groups were ruled by kings or high chieftains, with power being sometimes shared by dual authorities. Like most tribal scopes of ancient times, the basic framework of the Celtic society was composed of extended families and clans who were based within their particular territorial confines.

The Arms, Armor, and Deployment of Celtic Warriors.Low-Intensity Celtic Warfare and Mercenaries.High Chieftains, Nobles, and ‘Magistrates’.

Generally, this was the sign of universal interconnectedness. This symbol was a reminder that the past actions affected the present and the present could affect the future. This symbol was woven by the Norns who shaped the destiny of all beings. The Web of Wyrd or the Viking Matrix of Faith was a powerful symbol consisting of the runic shapes. The power of this symbol was to ward off the bad trolls, evils, and negative vibes that might linger around. This Troll Cross symbol was also favored and appeared in many Viking houses. It also represents the eternal cycle of reborning and destruction. This Ouroboros symbol expresses the unity of all spiritual and material things. With some Norse knowledge, we for sure realize that this symbol was for Jormungandr Norse Midgard Serpent whose father was Loki the notorious trickster. As “Oura” meant “tail”, “robos” meant “eating”, the word’s meaning might be that “He Who Eats His Own Tail”. The Ouroboros was the symbol of a snake eating its own tail. The sign of two ravens also becomes the presence of Odin and his power. In Norse, Huginn and Muninn meant “thought” and “memory” respectively. The details of this couple’s mysterious power were sparse however, they were revered and admired. Huginn and Muninn were a pair of ravens always perching on Odin’s shoulder. This symbol would offer them the power, the courage, and the generosity. They wore the symbol of Thor hammer as an amulet for battle and life. Because the Mjölnir hammer was the symbol of Thor – the most powerful and good-hearted god. To the Viking normal and warriors, this hammer won their hearts. This hammer was associated with lightning, thunder, and storm. In Norse mythology, this powerful hammer gained so much respect that no other weapon could compare with. The symbol of Yggdrasil represented the unsurpassed power, profound wisdom, and mystical deity. This ash tree was the Tree of Life that held Nine Worlds and connected everything in the universe. Yggdrasil was the Great Tree in Norse mythology. Because the Valknut wearers believe that they will be empowered to overcome any ups and downs in life with the aid of Odin. In the modern sense, the Valknut sign has become favored in jewel design, household designs, and tattoos.

Many ancient Vikings believed that this sign indicated Odin welcoming the warriors to come and dwell in Valhalla – the Hall of the Brave Warriors in Asgard. This made the Valknut sign become the symbol of Odin. In many depictions, the Valknut sign appeared alongside Odin. The Valknut consisted of three interlocking triangles that pointed upwards. Because they believed this Helm of Awe sign endowed them with protection and courage to win any enemies they might face. Many Viking warriors wore this symbol to join wars.